in Czech

Rules for allocation of financial support for IGCP activities

1. The Czech National Committee for International Geological Correlation Programme (further only CzNC-IGCP) at the Czech Geological Society agreed with the Czech Geological Society (further CGS), which is juridical subject, that the CzNC-IGCP will decide about finances which are directed to development of the IGCP activities from enlightened and serious sponsors or other uncommercial sources in science. Any subsidies sent directly to the Projects from their international leaders or the IGCP Secretariate of Paris (i.e. central IGCP-UNESCO/IUGS sources are exempt from control of the regional Committee.

2. Financial sources found by the CzNC-IGCP for development of the regional activities of the IGCP in Czech Republic are concentrated on special item of the CGS account, according to Agreement between CzNC IGCP and CGS from October 10, 1994 (archived by both relevant chairmen).

3. Activities of the CzNC-IGCP have uncommercial character and are aimed at development in Earth sciences, with respect to co-operating scientific disciplines. The financial sources found by the CzNC-IGCP should be primarily allocated to aid the following activities:

3.1. Participation of young scientific workers (35 years) in IGCP meetings and conferences in home or foreign countries.

3.2. Supporting the experienced, high-credit scientific workers at the opportunity of IGCP meetings, conferences or consultations.

3.3. Organisation of national or international conferences within the framework of the IGCP.

3.4. Supporting the publication activity related to IGCP projects.

3.5. On rare occasion, a complementary aid to research expenses of the national IGCP teams or individuals would be provided (laboratories at the institutes having the character of juridical subject).

4. Data and documents for allocation of the financial amounts for development of the IGCP activities

4.1. Each adult citizen of the Czech Republic (18 years) who can reliably demonstrate his participation in the scientific framework of the IGCP can submit application for the CzNC IGCP aid.

4.2. The written application, see the form "Application", must involve the following data:

(a) basic personal and professional data about the applicant,

(b) calculation of the amount (note: consider the recommended financial limits per application published usually in May!),

(c) reason of application, main goals,

(d) substantiation of the amount,

(e) brief letter of recommendation from the relevant, national IGCP project representative(s), as well as statement by representative of the organisation (institution, school).

5. Allocation of financial amounts

5.1. About grant finances must decide the regular assembly of the CzNC IGCP (note: on rare occasion can be used an electronic session!). Decisions are valid when majority of assembled members agree with them.

5.2. If any application is doubtful, the assembly can entrust certain member of the CzNC IGCP with investigation of such affair.

6. Documents about expenses are necessary, see the form "Report". These documents are essential for the CzNC IGCP as well as CGS. According to these documents the primary contributors can be informed about the final destination of their partial amounts. (note: this feedback is as significant as the basic requirements of accounting!). The IGCP workers with grants must deliver the report with quittances to the CzNC IGCP until one year from the date when support was transferred to the applicant.

This document was printed and signed in four specimens. Each of the parties (CzNC IGCP and CGS) archived two specimens. This document is good since the date of signature but its effectivness is dated to May 1, 1996.

May 14, 1996, in Prague

Jan PASAVA, Chairman of the CzNC-IGCP –––––––––– Frantisek VESELOVSKY, Chairman of the CGS


Pravidla pro pridelovani financnich prostredku na podporu cinnosti IGCP

1. Cesky narodni komitet pro mezinarodni geologicke programy (dale CNK-IGCP) pri Ceske geologicke spolecnosti se dohodl s Ceskou geologickou spolecnosti (dale CGS), ktera je pravnickou osobou, ze CNK-IGCP bude rozhodovat o financnich prostredcich poskytnutych nejruznejsimi sponzory pro rozvoj cinnosti IGCP-UNESCO v Ceske republice vyjma prispevku pridelovanych primo na jednotlive projekty Sekretariatem IGCP v Parizi ze zdroju UNESCO a IUGS.

2. Financni prostredky ziskane CNK-IGCP pro podporu cinnosti IGCP v Ceske republice jsou soustredeny jako zvlastni polozka uctu CGS, podle smlouvy mezi CNK-IGCP a CGS ze dne 5.10.1994, ktera je archivovana predsedy obou vyboru.

3. Cinnost CNK-IGCP ma nekomercni charakter a podporuje rozvoj zakladniho vyzkumu ve vedach o Zemi, s ohledem na spolupracujici obory. Financni prostredky ziskane CNK-IGCP pro podporu cinnosti IGCP-UNESCO v Ceske republice jsou urceny:

3.1. Na podporu ucasti zvlaste mladych vedeckych pracovniku do 35 let na konferencich a setkanich IGCP v tuzemsku a zahranici.

3.2. Na podporu ucasti starsich a renomovanych vedeckych pracovniku na konferencich a setkanich IGCP v tuzemsku a zahranici.

3.3. Pro organizovani narodnich a mezinarodnich konferenci v ramci aktivit IGCP.

3.4. Pro podporu publikacni cinnosti v ramci aktivit IGCP.

3.5. Ojedinele pro dodatkovou podporu vecnych vyzkumnych nakladu narodnich vyzkumnych tymu, respektive osob (laboratori a pracovist pri organizacich, ktere jsou pravnickou osobou).

4. Podklady pro pridelovani financnich prostredku pro rozvoj cinnosti IGCP

4.1. O financni prispevek muze zadat kazdy obcan CR starsi 18 let, ktery muze prokazat svuj podil na vedecke praci v ramci IGCP.

4.2. Pisemna zadost, viz formular "Zadost", musi obsahovat:

(a) zakladni udaje o zadateli

(b) vysi pozadovaneho prispevku (pozn.: sledujte doporucenou maximalni vysi prispevku publikovanou obvykle v kvetnu!)

(c) ucel pouziti financniho prispevku

(d) zduvodneni pozadovane castky

(e) vyjadreni vedouciho narodni skupiny projektu IGCP, na kterem zadatel participuje, a vyjadreni statutarniho zastupce pravnicke osoby (napr. ustavu nebo skoly), kde je prislusna IGCP aktivita provadena.

5. Pridelovani financnich prostredku

5.1. O prideleni financnich prostredku rozhoduje schuze CNK-IGCP. Rozhodnuti prijima, pokud se pro ne vyslovi nadpolovicni vetsina pritomnych radnych clenu na radnem shromazdeni (pozn.: ve vzacnych pripadech muze byt vyuzito moznosti elektronicke schuze!).

5.2. V pripade pochybnosti muze schuze naridit dosetreni zadosti nekterym ze clenu CNK-IGCP.

6. Doklady o pouziti financnich prostredku, viz formular "Zprava", jsou nezbytnym dokumentem pro CNK-IGCP a CGS, na zaklade kterych mohou byt zpetne informovani jednotlivi sponzori, kteri cinnost IGCP podporili (pozn.: tato zpetna vazba je stejne dulezita jako zakladni pozdavky ucetnictvi!). Pracovnici IGCP, kteri prispevek od CNK-IGCP obdrzi, musi doklady o vynalozeni prostredku predat CNK-IGCP do jednoho roku od obdrzeni prispevku.

 Tento dokument je vyhotoven ve 4 exemplarich, z nichz po dvou obdrzi(eli) kazdy z ucastniku. Je platny dnem jeho podpisu mezi obema stranami a nabyva ucinnosti dne 1. kvetna 1996.

 V Praze, dne 14. kvetna 1996

Jan PASAVA, predseda CNK-IGCP –––––––––––––––– Frantisek VESELOVSKY, predseda CGS